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September 02, 2008

David Humphrey and Sam Reveles work coming up at the DPA re:FORM Art Auction

David Humphrey and Sam Reveles work coming up at the DPA re:FORM Art Charity Auction.

The big charity auction is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd at Cheim and Read Gallery from 6 to 9pm.  Buy your tickets here.

There's still time to get your tickets, and place absentee bids for the great works they have up for sale.

Check out the 55 amazing items up for auction.. including significant work by artist Andres Serrano, Josh Azzarella, Kara Walker, Fred Tomaselli,  Donald Baechler, Louise Lawler, and Julie Mehretu that MAO didn't get a chance to blog about!

But, two additional works we want to bring to the MAO readers attention to are by 2 our of our favorite artists who you might not know well.

HumphreyDavid_Alone The first is a whimsical painting by Sikkema Jenkins & Co. artist, David Humphrey.

We've always been impressed with David's provocative work.

His surreal paintings remind you of Koons, and Kenny Scharf but with an energized  style all his own.

David's works are in some super impressive collections, such as the NY Metropolitan Museum, and the Boston Museum of Fine Art.

(Photo #1, by David Humphrey,

Alone in the Tropics, 2006, Acrylic on canvas, 20 x 16 inches

Courtesy of the artist and Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York, $2,800)

The Second work is by CRG artist, Sam Reveles. Sam's paintings are full of energy and motion. Your eyes can't help but be excited with his explosions of color and depth in many of his art work. MAO frequently thinks of them as Brice Marden paintings on speed!  Sam's last exhibition this year at CRG was a total sensory overload.

RevelesSam_wilderness_study Sam's work is also in some amazing museums, including The Whitney, The Saint Louis Art Museum, and the Dallas Museum of Art. 

(Photo #2, by Sam Reveles, Wilderness Study #9, 2006, Gouache and pencil on paper, 22 3/4 x 30 1/8 inches,  Courtesy of the artist and CRG Gallery , New York )

So MAO hopes to see you all at the event..

Please say hi. With all these generous artist donations it should be a great night!


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Hey MAO..
Nice choices..
Both the David Humphrey and the Sam Reveles work are great.. and they are probably both under appreciated artists.

Neither one is a 25 year old at some silly over hyped NADA gallery.
These are both artist well worth collecting.

FYI... I hope the DPA is paying you kindly to help them promote their art auction!

Photo #2, by Sam Reveles,is fucking brilliant .

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