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October 27, 2008

ARTWALK NY - An event not to miss!! November 3rd.

ARTWALK NY - Monday, November 3rd at 6:30pm, the Metropolitan Pavilion(125 West 18th street)

NY_ArtWalk With the US economy crashing.. it's often the case that both Art Dealers, and Art Auction Houses take a very long time to adjust prices to reality (aka...these "new economy" levels)

So, believe it or not,

Charity auctions are one of the first organizations to realize the current reality with much lower contemporary art prices.

Hence the OPPORTUNITY for collectors!!

One of MAO's favorite charities is The Coalition for the Homeless.

Since there's a good chance many of MAO's Wall Street buddies are unemployed, broke and probably soon to be homeless.. it's one cause that's very close to home.

 Also.. our wonderful friends at The Coalition for the Homeless, are offering a MAO Collector discount on tickets...

 A limited number of discounted (50% off) tickets are available for MAO's friends, at the price of 2 for $200 (regularly $200 each)

To purchase tickets, please call 212-776-2056, or visit ww.coalitionforthehomeless.org and enter the discount code COLLECTOR

Tickets available on a first-come basis.  All proceeds help the Coalition for the Homeless provide a safety net for the thousands of New Yorkers in need.

Here's the press release..


ARTWALK NY - Monday, November 3rd
Now in its fourteenth year, ARTWALK NY, a benefit for the Coalition for the Homeless, is one of New York City's largest and most anticipated charity art auctions. On Monday, November 3rd, the Coalition will join returning Co-chairs Richard Gere and Carey Lowell, and Honored Guests Alec Baldwin, Chuck Close, Darryl Pottorf and Christopher Rauschenberg, to honor and remember iconic American artists Robert Rauschenberg's unparalleled contribution to the world of contemporary art.
Featuring an art auction and cocktail party at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelseathis year’s live auction includes works by Chuck Close, Ed Ruscha, Jenny HolzerJeff Koons, Dennis Oppenheim, Jack Pierson, Pat Steir, Robert Rauschenberg, and Wade Guyton.  The silent auction features artists like assume vivid astro focus, Donald Baechler, James Nares, Terence KohYoko Ono and William Wegman.

Tonight 34,000 homeless New Yorkers, including 14,000 children, will sleep in emergency shelters.  The Coalition for the Homeless is the nation's oldest advocacy and direct service organization helping homeless men, women and children.  They are dedicated to the principle that affordable housing, sufficient food and the chance to work for a living wage are fundamental rights in a civilized society.  Since their inception in 1981, the Coalition has fought successfully for lasting solutions to homelessness through their renowned advocacy.


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Thanks for the info MAO..

Sounds like a fun event.. and for 50% off for the tickets.. you just can't beat that!

Very good cause. I'd love to give some art. Cash is a big problem. But things like this remind me that Iam actually not so bad off as I feared.

We just bougth our tickets, and we will see there. Thank you for info.

Another great feature of ARTWALK NY this year are the studio tours of prominent artists in Chelsea and Brooklyn. The tours are Saturday, November 1, 2008. RSVPs are required. Details are available at www.annesherwoodpundyk.blogspot.com

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