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October 17, 2008

Congrats to Collette Blanchard.. and her NEW LES Art Gallery!

Yes my little MAO-ettes.. you read that correctly! A new Gallery is OPENING!!! YEA!

Even in these difficult times.. some risk loving bright people have the cojones ability to open a new cutting edge contemporary art gallery! http://www.colletteblanchard.com/

Last night was the grand opening of a brand new gallery on the super hip and happening Lower East Side.

Collette_Blanchard_Gallery_opening Collette Blanchard was the long term hottie director of the Von Lintel gallery in Chelsea..and now has set out on her own!

Collette has put together one amazing new show featuring works by some of the most promising up and coming artists of our time. Her inaugural exhibition, Belle de Jour,  includes painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography and video; there is a diversity of mediums as well as perspectives by artists : Asgar/Gabriel, Sarah Baley, Jane Benson, Libby Black, iona rozeal brown, Zoe Charlton, E.V. Day, Langdon Graves, Julie Heffernan, Tracey Langfitt, Maria Porges, Mickalene Thomas, Cynthia Rowley, Laurie Simmons, Shinique Smith and Cindy Wright.

A big MAO congrats goes out to Collette! We totally love and admire your sheer courage, and we wish you the best of luck, cause she's going to need it we know we'll be in her gallery many times in the near future!!

The Collette Blanchard Gallery is on 26 Clinton Street. For more information or images please contact the gallery at 646.249.7720 or [email protected].


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MAO.. this is a great story..

The Lower East Side is the new Chelsea!

Chelsea is a white elephant, past it's prime.. and ready to collapse under the weight of it's own ego.

the show looks great... my dear friend Zoe Charlton has some beautiful drawings in the show and EV Day's mummified barbies are amazing... i'd never seen them in a group before...

go see this show!

what's so "cutting edge" about this gallery?

Collette worked very hard to open this new space. A huge hug and congratulations go out to her and the gallery artists!


I understand "cutting edge" to mean "state-of-the-art" or it also applies to the level of development reached at any particular time usually as a result of modern methods.

If you've seen the layout of the gallery, i.e. back courtyard, the swinging/hinged wall, additional lower level gallery/chill spot, etc... then I think it qualifies as being cutting edge as far as galleries are concerned? Of course, that is based on my guestimation of what MAO actually meant by using that term?

collette is not my favorite art person and aside from the 'wow' factor of the opening...the work was sub-par. i give her 2 years max.

Collette Rocks!

This gallery is the most professional and by far the best build out of any new art gallery on the Lower East Side to date.

This gallery is clearly the one to watch.. Great space, a strong list of young artists, and one ambitious art gallerist.. what a combo!

If any new gallery will make it through this economic storm... this one will.

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