MAO Interview with Photographer Taiji Matsue, Part 2
MAO Interview with Photographer Taiji Matsue, Part 2
So before we complete the interview.. we just wanted to point out a great new hardcover photobook that just hit some of our favorite bookshops from Taiji Matsue. Cell, Taiji Matsue, published by Akaaka sha, 2008. The book is well worth checking out, cause it has many more images which couldn't make it into the show. Matsue's Nest show is up on 57th street at the Cohen Amador Gallery, till the end of the year.
Mao.. Matsue...Interview Part II
6. MAO : One of your key trademarks in your past work, has been the successful use of survey-use aerial photography, how is this current body of work connected in concept to that work? How is this current work an extension or departure from that work? Matsue : The aerial photography is only a small part of my works. Most of my works are taken by a large format camera and a tripod. The new series "cell" are chosen from all my color photography including the aerial photography. The new series of large-sized color photographs does not include aerial photography. (Photo #1, Taiji Matsue, "
7. MAO : Why did you choose the title Nest for your current show? What was the specific inspiration and message for this show and work?
Matsue : There are 2 series shown at this current show. One is the new series of large-sized color photographs. The another is the "cell" series.
The new series of "cell" is created by the trimming of a tiny part of all of my color works.
"Nest" is an exhibition showing both zooming "out" and "in" works at the same time, hence constructing the "nested" relation ship.
The word "Nest" was inspired from the technical terminology of computer programming.
8. MAO : When you were making the original source photos, were you thinking about creating these cell images or was it only a post photo inspiration ?
Matsue : The "cell" images are the new discovered details by zooming in the original photographs.
(Photo #2, Taiji Matsue, "50BCN" 2008, 19" x 19", Edition of 5, C - Print )
9. MAO : As I've looked though your new book (which is totally wonderful..congrats) several of the cell images look almost like they were created and paired as "Dypticks" ?
Matsue : The "Dypticks" kind of images were actually decided with the editor, in the process of editing the new book.
10. MAO : When you're not working on your photography, what's your favorite recreational activities?
Matsue : I like, "Observing" (not just watching) TV programs, web surfing, and exploring cities.
(Photo #3, Taiji Matsue, "27SVQ" 2007, 19" x 19", Edition of 5, C-Print)
Note : All photos: (c) Taiji Matsue and Courtesy of TARO NASU and Cohen Amador Gallery
FYI.. If you missed Part I of the Matsue here....
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