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December 09, 2008

Art Basel Miami Beach 2008...

There were lots of nervous art dealers at the big Art Basel Miami Beach 2008... for good reason!

Art Basel Opened Wednesday to the much expected lack luster sales.  But, even in a tough economy, this one fair is still the most important art show in the  United States and, as in past years, people ArtBaselMiami_2008 gathered from all over the world.  Surprisingly this year was bigger than ever (their Web site says more than 2,000 artists this year). At the VIP preview,it wasn't as crazy as last year..and the vernissage wasn't as packed either. As a collector, it was a much better experience.. you could actually talk with the dealers...and look at the art without the madness.  MAO did spot a few celebs... Jay Z, Beyonce Knowles, and Faye Donaway (Yes...she's still alive).

According to the   Miami Herald:  "Despite global economic woes, Art Basel remained a feast for the eyes: 266 international galleries exhibiting the works of some 2,000 artists, new galleries from Dubai, Bangalore, Mumbai, and a colorful crowd strolling through the maze-like booths.  Maybe the crowd wasn't as colorful as in other years—people seemed to have toned down in every conceivable way."

Hernan_bas_The_Basin_of_a_evil_river Well, it's a total local slant on things.  After all, with one of the nations highest home foreclosure rates, how can they not tell the folks of Miami the rich are "toning things down" because of the economy?  Anyway, it was still quite an amazing show.

Our single favorite new work of art presented at the fair was this huge Hernan Bas painting in the Fredric Snitzer Gallery booth he's painting in big/epic size now, and it totally worked! ... Sadly, we were too scared to actually ask the price... (Photo #2 : The Basin of a very evil river, or where to vacation next by Hernan Bas 2008, acrylic on linen, h: 103.5 x w: 76.5 in)

The Herald also noted they had a special exhibit on Robert Rauschenberg, who died in May and regularly came to Art Basel.  "This year's fairs also featured several tributes to the late Robert Rauschenberg, including a selection of seven works being shown for the first time since the 1980s at the Joan Washburn gallery."  Even with  reports that MoMA paid $30M for one of his paintings in June 2005, Several dealers clearly played it safe this year, choosing to show Rauschenberg, and Warhols in place of more risky young artists. But, you have to wonder how many galleries are in deep need of cash right now, and long a few too many overpriced Rauschenbergs. By Sunday..MAO hadn't seen many redots on any of these vintage gems. We think sales were clearly down.. but probably not as bad as the rumors.

MAO and Dr. Quiz hit almost every fair, we deserve a medal... and FYI, For those big Naomi Campbell fans (aka.. Fashionistas Photo Collectors), there was a retrospective of her (uh) 23-year legacy at Art Basel.  Actually, Ms. Campbell is big in the art world, she told the NY Metro blog that she was a "beginner."  But, apparently this type of retrospective has never been done before. At the New Fashion Photo Fair..they had a surprisingly well done exhibition of Naomi in photography. Totally amazing.

Now that we're back in NYC, We'll post a few more on the MIAMI Art Fairs the next few days.. so stay tuned MAO-ettes.

This post was partly contributed by Kelly Kilpatrick, who writes on the subject of art school programs She invites your feedback at [email protected]


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MAO, please don't keep us waiting - you are the light of my frozen (and art sparse) Midwest winter...

Is is not the time you should fade away as well !?

vous et un vrai con..

were you at basel miami last year? the thing i most remember from then was also Hernan Bas, there was a whole show of his work at the Rubell Fly collection--his work just stands out--

unfortunately missed it this year but look forward to reading more on it here

Cos mogrin can't conjugate etre in the present indicative.

suce ma tub , loosa

Hey Annie...
Thanks for the comment.
Yes.. last year MAO was at Art Basel and we saw the Hernan Bas show at the Rubel Collection.. which by the way is going to be traveling... it will be coming to the Brooklyn Museum soon!

But Hernan's new work... is much bigger, and MAO thinks, better than what the Rubel's had in their collection.
The new works are more mature.. and really showing this artist at his best... can't wait to see more from Hernan!


well the one you feature in this blog is certainly gorgeous, did MAO acquire it?

yes, look forward to watching Hernan's progress from Miami artist to wheree?

i meant 'where' of course--

i meant 'where' of course--

and i just reread what you said and realize you couldn't have acquired it coz you were afraid of asking the price!

i meant 'where' of course--

and i just reread what you said and realize you couldn't have acquired it coz you were afraid of asking the price!

I've watched the port become Crowded in the inalterable two weeks. Lots deed on. The Fontainebleau is passage as I indite this. A $500M restoration of the notorious hotel which gift wee the Fontainebleau Southwestward Florida's maximal use. Rumour has it, Mariah Carey is effort to be there (I compliments I was there-thanks Nadine Writer!). The Empress Arcanum Make Direct (televised) is recording tomorrow. The $500M Canyon Farm Living-Miami Beach righteous opened a 586-room employ honourable up the street from the Fontainbleau at 68th and Collins.

Really a mind blowing article......

Real Estate

Nice post I Like your site very well and continue to do so. I have bookmarked your site.

Your blog posting is very good and theme base for which it is liking to every people.Thanks for all information about Art Basel Miami Beach 2008

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