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January 27, 2009

Save the dates.. Paul Graham, and Jamel Shabazz free public Photography Lectures..

Save the dates.. Photographers Paul Graham, and Jamel Shabazz give free public lectures..

Some of the best things in NYC are free.. and in this shit crashing economy recession.. also a cheapstimulating date!  Both are 2 photographers who's books, and photographic work we just can't get enough of. So MAO has already put February 3rd, and February 9th on our photo art obsessed calendar. 

See you there!

1. February 3th.. Jamel Shabazz at Powerhouse Books in Brooklyn.

Yes.. my little MAO-ettes.. for great photography..sometimes MAO will even cross a river to experience it!!  Here are the details











2. Then.. Paul Graham on February 9th.. At the SVA.

Here are the details...


Monday, February 9, 7pm
Visual Arts Theater
School of Visual Arts
333 West 23 Street  

Free and open to the public 
The BFA Photography Department at School of Visual Arts(SVA) and Dear Dave, magazine present photographer Paul Graham in conversation with New York Times writer Philip Gefter. Graham is the subject of the exhibition “a shimmer of possibility,” which will be on view at The Museum of Modern Art from February 4 – May 18. The first in a series of monthly conversations exploring contemporary photography among noted artists, critics, curators and editors, the event will take place on Monday, February 9, 7pm, at SVA's newly-opened Visual Arts Theater, 333 West 23 Street, New York City. Admission is free.
British-born Paul Graham is recognized for his innovative and experimental contextualization of images and particularly tender observation of daily life. Since relocating to the U.S. in 2002, he has traveled extensively to photograph the country. The resulting work, a shimmer of possibility, was published in twelve volumes by steidlMACK in 2007.
Philip Gefter writes frequently about photography for The New York Timesand was its front-page picture editor. A collection of his essays will be published in April by Aperture as Photography After Frank. He is writing a biography of the collector Sam Wagstaff.

Dear Dave, is a magazine of photography and writing that has been published three times a year since 2007


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I love, love! Jamel Shabazz work. He is part of the show @ the Bronx Art Museum, Street Life, Street Art show ending in a few days.Catch it if you can, before it ends.I had met him and he is so nice and polite.
Thanks MAO!, I might have to go to this one.

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