It's not too late to get your VIP Tickets to the AIPAD preview next week!
It's not too late to get your VIP MoMA Tickets to the AIPAD preview next week!
For those MAO readers who've not had enough of art week starts the 29th Annual AIPAD Fair.
For those who don't know.. AIPAD is the foremost exhibition and longest running Art Fair dedicated to fine art photography in the USA. It takes place at the Uptown (67th street) Park Avenue Armory.
This year promises to be a particularly challenging an interesting photography fair. As expected, in this terrible economy, they've had a difficult time filling all the expensive booths in the up town Armory..
So AXA Art Insurance, three high quality Photography Bookshops, and several non-AIPAD (think young and innovative) photo dealers will be presenting at this years AIPAD fair.
Even The George Eastman House, from Rochester, NY will have a booth!
The show opens with their VIP MoMA Benefit Preview night on Wednesday March 25th, and will run until Sunday March 29th.
Sponsor Ticket:$500. Includes one ticket, an AIPAD catalog, preview hours from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., cocktail buffet and desserts, and one run-of-show pass.
As annoying as it is Mao, maybe you should use 'captcha' or moderate your comments to avoid these unsightly spammers and people abusing your blog for link building and SEO purposes.
Posted by: Art Brute | March 31, 2009 at 01:06 PM