The Best Things in Life are Free.... Free NYC Museum Days...
Some of the best things in Life are Free.... YES.. It's Summer Free NYC Museum Days...
So.. I'm sure everyone is busy out getting their Swine Flu vaccine shots these days..
Is MAO the only
sane person who thinks the crazy TV media has totally blow this Swine Flu out of proportion?
So far there have only been 50ish cases of swine flu in the USA. This is not a big problem!
The media is really doing their best to cause a panic out of this. It's so stupid. Believe it or not, the price of Lean Hog futures on the Chicago Commodities exchance has actually crashed today! A drop of almost 10% in 2 days.
Well..Would someone please pass MAO the pork chops!!
Anyway, with everyone, including MAO, during this recession looking to save their pennies.. Today we found a great summery of which NYC Msueums are free...and when! Please share this list with everyone.
CLICK Here to see the most up to date LIST.
This nice list is brought to you by the great online web resource
The NIH estimates that 36,000 Americans die of the flu annually.
When we get into the tens of thousands of people dead (and growing) with this "pandemic" I'll start paying attention.
Posted by: Chris | April 29, 2009 at 04:41 PM
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of network news advertising, I believe
Posted by: Edward_ | April 30, 2009 at 11:11 AM
Hey Museums need money as much as anyone now too. If you go to a museum on freebie night buy a book from their store or a coffee from their cafe. Or throw a buck or two in their jar :)
Posted by: Art Brute | May 03, 2009 at 01:09 PM
Museums in the UK are always free because of the endowment program by the government. They do, much like any museums here have a donation jar. If the UK is able to operate all museums free of charge to the public, then I think the USA needs to figure out how exactly to do the same thing. Considering the economy these days, people need to find ways to go out and have some fun without breaking the bank (even more). I am overly pleased with the idea that museums in the States are at least starting to have a few free nights/ days because it is a step in the right direction. Plus, when you think about the troves of art and culture to be had in museums, especially those in larger cities, like NY, the notion of free admission comes off as rather philanthropic.
Posted by: Steve | May 03, 2009 at 06:38 PM
That pig look just like my Aunty Toosha. Course Aunty Toosa didn't taste good fried up side a plate of eggs.
Posted by: Rondell Jenkins | June 02, 2009 at 05:42 PM
Awesome post. I love stuff like this.
Posted by: Monia | October 30, 2009 at 07:08 AM