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May 11, 2009

Artist Mark di Suvero Talks with Renzo Piano At The Morgan Library

Artist Mark di Suvero talks with Renzo Piano At The Morgan Library this Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30pm.

Mark_di_subero_beethovens_quartet This is one NYC event not to miss... a talk between one of the worlds greatest Architects, talking with one of the greatest contemporary sculptors at one of NYC best Libraries. Can life it get any better??

Photo of Mark di Suvero amazing sculpture "Beethovan's Quartet, 2003"  at Storm King.

Get your tickets here while they last... or email [email protected]

Here's their press release...

Le Conversazioni FMR: An Evening with Renzo Piano and Mark di Suvero
Renowned architect Renzo Piano (recipient of the Pritzker Prize and designer of The Morgan Library & Museum’s recent expansion completed in 2006) and noted sculptor Mark di Suvero discuss the varied-and often surprising-intersections of the arts, conceptions of beauty, and inspirations on their work with Antonio Monda, Director of the Le Conversazioni literary festival, Capri, Italy. Presented by FMR White Edition (a bimonthly art magazine published by Marilena Ferrari-FMR Casa editrice d'arte e Fondazione) and The Morgan Library & Museum.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 6:30 p.m.


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