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July 19, 2009

There's a New On-line Art Project to Watch - "Summer Sexy"

There's a New On-line Art Project to Watch - "Summer Sexy"

OK.. My little MAO-ettes... Do we have a website for you!!!

From the gallery master minds on the far West 27th Street the edge of the known Contemporary Art Universe, comes this new hot and helpful on-line summer art project. FYI.. that would be : a production of Winkleman Gallery and Schroeder Romero.

Since most of the privileged, pampered, tony, lazy,  in the know, collecting art world is at the beach already, these gallerists have put together a cool way for collectors to see what's hot and happening in the galleries.  So, each and every week they have asked the most self important collectors and curators to choose an interesting "Summer Sexy" work of art currently for sale at in a summer gallery show to feature.

These art works are then posted for sale to readers on the www.summer-sexy.blogspot.com website each week.

Adam_Raphael_poker_from_bearly_workingWith any sale commissions going to the collector or curators favorite charity. What could be better than that??  So let your mouse do the walking...

Check out... Summer Sexy!

They's already had some great posts, but's here's just one of the best most sexy choices so far....

  Brilliant New York-based collector Michael Hoeh has selected Adam Raphael's 'smokin' photograph "Poker" from Barely Working, currently on exhibition at Bonni Benrubi Gallery(New York).

Adam Raphael
"Poker" from Barely Working
Digital ink-jet print
16" x 24"
Edition of 12
Image courtesy of Bonni Benrubi Gallery, New York.

Proceeds from the sale of this work will benefit Michael and Bonni's selected charity : The Somaly Mam Foundation, focused on putting an end to world wide Human Trafficking and Childhood Slavery, their mission is "to give victims and survivors a voice in their lives, liberate victims, end slavery, and empower survivors as they create and sustain lives of dignity."


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Nice heads up MAO...

Looks like an interesting summer project..and wow..
what a smokin hot way to start.. move over Bruce Weber!

Look like a bunch of smut to me. Might as well go down to the Pik n Pak and buy yourself a Penthouse or something.

I'd rather have lowbrow art than this hopelessly middlebrow photo. Fine art it's not. It belongs to a weekly fag rag. Whoever chose this artist doesn't have an impeccable taste. Sorry! Bruce Weber's photos are sublime and infinitely more interesting than this smut. If one is buying it for investment it's not a wise idea. A lapse is judgement certainly.

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