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September 29, 2009

It's Art Benefit Season, So Check Out.. The Photography Center at Woodstock!

The Center for Photography At Woodstock has their 2009 Benefit Gala Honoring W.M. Hunt on Sunday October 11, 2009 in Woodstock. Yes.. MAO knows its too crazy far, hours a bit far away for just a benefit... BUT!!

This has been one of the best places for emerging photography in the UISA, and every year they hold one of the most interesting "think opportunity to buy something very cheap" art photo auctions.

It's a wonderful organization.. and they could use your help in these difficult times! So Please Check it out, you might find something great for your photo collection.



It's quite amazing..  they have photos donated by 80 artists..

Click here to preview and bidon the great auction items.. not all of them are online yet.. but the list is most impressive.

This year's event will honor our 2009 Vision Award HonoreeW.M. Hunt, collector, curator, educator, gallery owner, writer, and emerging artist advocate  and features CPW's 31st annual benefit auction of contemporary and classic photographs beginning at 4pm.

Benefit Gala proceeds directly support the creative programs of the Center for Photography at Woodstock, a not-for-profit arts and educational organization. Please support the arts.

There are Two Tiers of Admission for CPW's 2009 Benefit Gala. To order Tickets or a Catalog, please call CPW at (845-679-9957).

(A) GALA tickets are $100 per person. 
They include attendance the 2009 Vision Awards Wine and Food Reception in honor of our recipient W.M. Hunt, which will begins at 2pm, a complimentary copy of the 2009 Benefit Auction Catalog. Attendees receive preferred seating for the live benefit auction.

GALA Tickets must be purchased in advance, by Thursday October 8, 2009.

(B) To attend the AUCTION only, admission is by purchase of the catalog for $35 ($25 for CPW members) plus postage. 

Doors open at 4pm for Auction attendees. Catalogs may be purchased by phone, and fax orders. Payment may also be sent via mail. Catalogs are currently in production and will be available after September 21.

Benefit Auction
Catalogs may be purchased via phone, fax, email order, in CPW's gallery, and on the day of the sale at the Bearsville Theater.

To order Tickets or a Catalog, please call CPW at (845-679-9957).


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