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October 05, 2009

James Welling Talks at Aperture Foundation.. Tuesday Oct 6th @ 7pm

MAO has never heard James Welling speak in public before, so we have no idea if he's any good, but it should be interesting.

This photographer's abstract art work is among the most innovative in the industry. You probably saw his work which was recently featured in the 2008 Whitney Biennial.

James-welling_flowers (Photo #1, James Welling, Flowers, 2005, c-print, 14 x 10")

Represented in NYC by David Zwirner and in the UK by the Maureen Paley Gallery, James Welling is almost a living legend in the art photography world.. so clearly this is a free talk not to be missed!

It's probably going to be packed.. so get there early!
Here's the Aperture / Parsons press release...

Artist's Talk with James Welling

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
7:00 pm


Aperture Gallery
547 West 27th Street, 4th Floor
New York, New York
(212) 505-5555

Aperture and the Parsons Department of Photography at The New School present an artist's talk with James Welling as part of the ongoing Parsons lecture series. Welling's career constitutes a comprehensive conceptual examination of the many forms of photography: from documentary and staged to nonrepresentational. He was recently featured in the Aperture publication The Edge of Vision: The Rise of Abstraction in Photography.

JAMES WELLING(b. 1951 in Hartford, Connecticut) studied drawing at Carnegie-Mellon University before transferring to the California Institute of the Arts, where he studied video. His work has appeared in over sixty solo and group exhibitions, and is included in many public collections, including those of the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, all in New York, among others. Welling was the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and has taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Bard College. Since 1995, Welling has lived in Los Angeles, where he is head of the photography department at the University of California, Los Angeles. His work was featured in issue number 190 of Aperture magazine


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Oh wow, I can't wait to go! Thanks for letting me know.

WOW.. James Welling was a terrible speaker!

I can't believe this guy if an art professor.. such a disappointment. He was vapid..and empty.

I use to like his photography. but after hearing him talk.. I'm starting to question it.

Very Sad

I don't think that an artist should be judged by their speaking abilities. I would find it incredibly hard to stand in front of my peers and justify my work.

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