There's a Harlem Art Tour this weekend!! Like, Who knew??
So, For those clueless NYC art people who need a map and a tour guide to leave Chelsea.. MAO has found a program for you!!
So from what we can gather.. wisitors will be escorted by a tour guide to each gallery where they will participate in a 30 minute visit.
The ArtCrawl culminates in a 45 minute meet and greet at Schomburg Research Center where light refreshments will be served. Participants will pay $45 which will cover the guided bus tour, a gift bag, hors d'oeuvres and music. What a deal!! Here's the formal announcement...
ArtCrawl Harlem Sunday, April 13, 2008
Noon - 5PM
Harlem - the place to find different, distinct and cutting edge art by artists breaking new ground - experimental, mainstream, masters, emerging - its all here! |
Peggy, oil on canvas by Bradford Hill Courtest of Hamilton Landmark Gallery All Rights Reserved
Amor Cubano, Verizon, Gallery Guide, Canvas Paper and Stone Gallery, JTE Spirits, Capital One, Schomburg Research Center, and Taste of Harlem. |
Bloom, mixed media on canvas by Charly Palmer All Rights Reserved Spend an afternoon guided bus tour of Harlem's fine art galleries including Heath Gallery, Canvas Paper and Stone Gallery, Essie Green Galleries, Tribal Spears Gallery, Hamilton Landmark Galleries, and Gallery M.
End the day with a catered reception at the Schomburg Research Library with tote bags filled with goodies for guests.
BUY Tickets Today! |
Canvas Paper and Stone Gallery | The Bradhurst at Striver's Row | 2611 Frederick Douglass Blvd, Studio 2N | bet. West 139th and 140th Streets | New York | NY | 10030 |